While home value is one of the factors for deciding your coverage, it is guided by other factors as well. One of them is the replacement cost of your home based on present prices of labor and material. The other is the sum total of the value of all your personal belongings, so that if in a calamity all were to be destroyed, then you can secure coverage to buy them back in a short period. You would also have to assess how risk-prone your locality is. For instance, whether your neighborhood has a high probability of getting affected by wildfire, or if its close to a flood zone.Finally, it is also necessary to estimate the value of all your personal belongings so that you don’t risk losing a huge amount if somebody wins a liability lawsuit filed against you.

Also keep in mind, that there are three types of coverages:

Actual Cash Value is the total cost to rebuild your house minus depreciation. In other words, the provider would pay you a sum equivalent to the cost of your home when you had made the agreement minus the loss in value that your property has undergone in the period between you signing the agreement and the current period when you claim compensation.

Replacement Cost Value, on the other hand, is a type of coverage where the provider will reimburse you an amount that is equivalent to the cost of rebuilding your home at the time of filing the claim. This type of coverage is more expensive in terms of the premium you pay, but it is also more beneficial financially in the event of large scale damage.

Guaranteed Replacement Cost is the most expensive kind of coverage. It includes a certain percentage that insurers will pay above your home’s current replacement value, in the event that a natural disaster (such as wildfire) increases the cost of labor and materials in your locality. Although this is the most expensive kind of coverage to buy, it is also the most secure and comprehensive one.

Gavop’s research shows the relation between median home value and coverage on home insurance prices across the following states. In order to do this analysis, Gavop chose several coverage ranges as constants across a group of states. The results are displayed in the charts below. You should, however, also keep in mind that home insurance prices are impacted by many other factors aside from home value and coverage.

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