By: Ajay kumar Medagani June, 07, 2019

Gavop studied home insurance premiums in the state of Texas and found that homeowners can save up to $849, depending on the company they buy from. To calculate savings Gavop analyzed the state median premiums for two types of houses: those aged between 0 and 14 years and those between 25 and 50 years.

For houses aged between 0 and 14 years, the median premium in the state is $1,689. However, American Strategic Insurance Corporation offers a policy for similar homes at exactly half the price,  thus enabling buyers to make the biggest savings of $849. Trumbull Insurance offers a premium that is $662 less than the median rate. Twin City Fire Insurance is third on the list, offering homeowners the option to save up to $610 on insurance premium. The graphs below show the eight insurance providers who help Texan homeowners make the biggest saves on their home insurance.


For houses aged between 25 and 54 years, the state median premium is $2,348. Gavop found that Trumbull Insurance offers buyers the biggest savings option with a premium at $789 less than the median. American Strategic Insurance Corporation offers the second highest savings at $740 less than the median. Twin City Fire Insurance is the third, offering a premium that is $713 less than the median.


Texas Median Home Value and Home Insurance by City

Apart from the provider, another factor that greatly influences insurance premium is your location. The median home insurance premium in Texas is $1,920, which is $742 more than the national average of $1,288.

Houston is the most populated city in the state with an average home insurance rate of $2,787— that is $867 more than the state average—and a median home value of $186,000. San Antonio, the second most populated city in the state and home to multiple U.S. army bases, has a median home value of $176,100 and an average home insurance of $1,258. Dallas is the third most populous city in Texas. It has a high median home value of $243,500. The median home insurance rate in Dallas is $1,802, which is $514 higher than the state average.

Gavop listed the top 10 Texas cities by population and calculated their median home value and home insurance rates, in the table below.

CityHome ValueMedian Home Insurance
San Antonio$176,100$1,258
Fort Worth$197,100$1,893
El Paso$128,800$823
Corpus Christi$150,000$1,020


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Ajay Kumar Medagani

Ajay Kumar works as a data analyst with Gavop. A (software) engineer by profession, he utilizes his well-established programming skills in big data, to derive insights from a wide variety of data sets. A engineering graduate from JNTU his passion involves analyzing raw data, infographics and other visual aids for research.
