Trend of Housing Unit's Mortgage Status in Delaware

Place/County 2015 Population 2015 Housing units with mortgage 2009 Housing units with mortgage Housing units with mortgage Percentage Change Latest to Earliest Housing units with mortgage change rank compared to Nation Housing units with mortgage change rank compared to state 2015 Housing units without a mortgage 2009 Housing units without a mortgage Housing units without a mortgage Percentage Change Latest to Earliest Housing units without a mortgage change rank compared to Nation Housing units without a mortgage change rank compared to state
Delaware 926,454 167,531.0 166,440.0 0.7 NA NA 77,318.0 72,596.0 6.5 NA NA
Sussex County 207,302 37,363 33,856 10.4 237 1 25,626 24,992 2.5 1,998 3
Kent County 169,509 28,319 28,110 0.7 703 2 13,866 13,121 5.7 1,595 2
New Castle County 549,643 101,849 104,474 -2.5 1,016 3 37,826 34,483 9.7 1,125 1