George Mason Mortgage Reviews & Ratings

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George Mason Mortgage Overall Ratings

Lender Name Closing Fee Interest Rate Loan Officer Service Overall Rating
George Mason Mortgage

Reviews by customers

Closing Fee

5 Star

1 Review


4 Star

1 Review

Interest Rate

3 Star

1 Review


5 Star

1 Review

Loan Officer

5 Star

2 Reviews

Overall Rating
George Mason Mortgage Company Ratings

5 Star

2 Reviews


George Mason Mortgage Recent Reviews & Ratings | Share Your Review

Date: July 31, 2018    Age: 46    Gender: male    Marital Status: Married

Closing Fee
The lender was fair in their costs for the product they delivered. They were attentive to our needs and stayed in constant contact with us throughout the process. They were very responsive to our questions as we progressed through the whole deal.

Interest Rate
We analyzed several different lenders and even had two of our final lenders get into a rate-matching contest to get us the lowest rate. This was fairly easy to do with a large amount of information available online.

Loan Officer Service
Our Loan officer was very friendly and a good communicator. He ensured we understood what was going on at all times and stayed in contact with us throughout the process. He was very good at answering any questions we had.

Overall Rating
The Loan officer was very responsive and a good communicator overall. Some of the concepts were a little "in the weeds" as far as trying to grasp all the details. Some of the Lender's online tools were a little clunky, but overall the process was pretty smooth.
Sometimes clunky online programs and difficult-to-grasp details. I also don't like how lenders immediately sell your loan after closing, but I recognize it's a part of the business.

Date: June 11, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Closing Fee
It seemed to be fairly standard for these types of transactions. It seems ridiculous that there is so much paper to sign regarding a home, but since there is it makes sense that the fees would be what they are.

Interest Rate
Yes. We compared several companies before making a final decision. We had two companies that were very close and we stayed in contact with both until we got the best deal.

Loan Officer Service
Yes. Our loan officer stayed in contact with us throughout the process and answered any questions we had. He was very helpful and always accessible.

Overall Rating
They were very professional and had a lot of online tools you could use to make things easier in the application process. They were always available and willing to answer any questions we had.
Not really anything about the bank. It's a pain that they always seem to sell your mortgage a month later, but that seems to be an industry-wide trend and not something unique to the bank we used.