South Pacific Financial Mortgage Reviews & Ratings

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South Pacific Financial Overall Ratings

Lender Name Closing Fee Interest Rate Loan Officer Service Overall Rating
South Pacific Financial

Reviews by customers

Closing Fee

5 Star

2 Reviews


4 Star

1 Review

Interest Rate

4 Star

2 Reviews


5 Star

1 Review

Loan Officer

5 Star

3 Reviews

Overall Rating
South Pacific Financial Company Ratings

5 Star

1 Review

South Pacific Financial Company Ratings

4 Star

2 Reviews


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Date: August 18, 2018    Age: 26    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Closing Fee
The seller agreed to pay $12,000 worth of closing costs. We ended up having to pay $800 after the seller paid their portion. We did not work with another Lender so I am unsure how it would have compared to others.

Interest Rate
We were given a 3.9% rate on a Capital Mortgage loan. With having to put 0% down, we were happy with the rate. We did not work with any other Lenders so I am unsure how it compares to others.

Loan Officer Service
Our loan officer was extremely helpful and friendly. He answered all of our questions immediately and was always responsive in a timely manner.

Overall Rating
Our mortgage lender was easy to reach and answered every question we had throughout the process. He discussed each different loan option available to us and helped us pick the one that was best for our situation.
We were unaware of an online option for our Lending institution/bank (South Pacific Financial). If one existed, we were not provided with the information to log on.

Date: August 10, 2018    Age: 41    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Closing Fee
Closing fees were in-line with other lending companies. There were some fees that were slightly higher and some slightly lower than normal but they balanced each other out in the end.

Interest Rate
My interest rate was comparable to a slight bit higher at the time of my mortgage. I checked and the 3.75% I received was in-line with other lenders.

Loan Officer Service
My loan officer was recommended to me by another employee and he did not disappoint. He was friendly, timely and ended up being very helpful in making the process smooth as could be.

Overall Rating
I liked that they offered a decent rate while providing excellent customer service. The total time it took to close was much faster than I anticipated which was nice.
There wasn't much I didn't like about the lender. The rate could have been a little lower and their website could have been more up to date, but overall it was great.

Date: June 20, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Closing Fee
The closing costs were very low compared to other lenders that we looked at. Our Real Estate wrote in for up to 3% in closing costs and it didn't even come near that. I would say it was about 2% which was a lot less than we and the seller expected.

Interest Rate
I think the interest rate was comparable to other lenders. I did do a search online for other lenders and the interest rate seemed to be in the right area. Obviously, there were some that had a little bit lower and others were a little bit higher but overall I am satisfied with the rate we got.

Loan Officer Service
Our Loan officer was great! He was easily accessible and would return phone calls at late hours because of our work schedules. He was upfront and honest about what we needed and what the process was. He gave us some credits on our mortgage so that we wouldn't have to come up with a bunch of unexpected funds. Overall he was fantastic.

Overall Rating
They explained everything really well about what the process was and how long it was going to take. They were very upfront and honest about everything, and their loan application was straightforward and easy to understand. They explained what they were looking for and why. They had a really quick pre-approval process which gave us peace of mind.
It wasn't easy to find the information we needed online as their website wasn't the best at the time. There were a bunch of last minute items that we needed for the underwriter, which is a pain when you are in the process of packing. And lastly, on the day of closing, they were dragging their feet on sending the money which was pretty nerve-wracking.