Top New Mexico Homeowners Insurance Companies Ranked By Customer Reviews

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Top New Mexico Homeowners Insurance Companies Ranked By Customer Reviews

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New Mexico Homeowners Insurance Company Ratings

Company Customer Service Premium Communications Website/App Policy Offerings
State Farm
Farmer's Insurance
Safeco Insurance
Amica Mutual Insurance
Farm Bureau
Donegal Mutual Insurance Company
Liberty Mutual
Safe Point
Horace Mann Educators Corporation

Recent Homeowners Insurance Reviews | Share Your Review

State Farm Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 26, 2019    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I wish that the premium were cheaper just because I'd prefer to save as much money as possible, but I believe that the premium I have is comparable to other providers.

Date: October 19, 2019    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I occasionally check with other companies to compare premiums and deductibles for the same coverage as I have with State Farm, and I have found little reason to change.

Date: September 19, 2019    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I pay higher premiums but have the same low deductible that I've had for years. The only insurance company I've had other than my current provider charged lower rates with a higher deductible.

Date: October 01, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I am satisfied with the communication if anything important needs to be discussed they call me or send me a letter to keep me informed.

Date: September 25, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I have a great premium with this company as compared to the other companies I had called. Most other companies wanted double the amount that this one did.

Date: September 25, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
The customer service at State Farm is unparalleled! They always know who I am, seem glad to talk to me, and immediately solve any issues I may be having at the time.

Date: September 18, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

This is the cheapest premium I could find for the coverage I wanted - I think they are using credit scores to calculate insurance premiums now, but I have no idea why.

Date: September 17, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

I've not researched other insurance companies, but i would guess that other companies provide similar coverage to what I currently have.

Date: September 17, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

The website has always been very helpful if I need to use it. The website is user-friendly and has a good system to retrieve passwords.

Date: September 16, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I like the customer service. I have never had any issues with any claims at all. Any time that I call or email I get a response right away .

Date: September 10, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I really haven't shopped around for insurance quotes, so I don't know how mine compares. I just used State Farm because that is whom our other policies are through and we received a discount for bundling.

Date: September 07, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Nothing at all. Any information that needs to be relayed to me is always sent to me by mail or a phone call will do.

Date: September 05, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

I am happy with my premium because I feel it is reasonable compared to other insurance companies. It included my discounts that I have been able to take advantage of, such as bundling with my car insurance.

Date: September 02, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I rarely use the website, so I can't give it a bad rating. If I need service, I call the agent directly.

Date: September 01, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I like that it's easy to use, I can see all of my info right from the app and I can access this information day or night. It also lets me see all of my payments.

Date: September 01, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Every time I need to contact my insurance company which is not often they have been very helpful and courteous. They also provide probably more documentation than I need.

Date: August 31, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
Our policy covers the dwelling, a detached garage, and personal property. There are riders to cover the loss of use as well as personal liability. The dwelling is rated at cost of replacement, which we estimated liberally.

Date: August 27, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I really only hear from my insurance company twice a year. I get a reminder that my money is being paid to the bank in escrow and another letter. I wish they would call me to try and lower my payment!

Date: August 24, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

The company website is a bit tedious to use. To send an email, for example, they require you to use a secure web system that requires a different password from the main site. The site also is less easy to use than competitors' sites that I have used. I do not believe I can use the site to print out my policy declarations, for example!

Date: August 23, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

State Farm is thorough in their communications: they always send me relevant info. But it seems that they send too many advertisements that don't apply to my situation.

Date: August 21, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I've spoken with customer service quite a few times and every single time they've been more than helpful with any information that i was calling to acquire.

Date: August 15, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
It is okay. Thankfully I've never had to use them to service a claim. Mostly my issues are around changing the policy and billing, it is very difficult to self-service issues like that using their website or to communicate via electronic messages.

Date: August 14, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I never compared other companies to the one I am currently using. I have been more than satisfied with them for several years and never compared.

Date: August 10, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
I believe that building replacement is covered if the home is destroyed by fire, tornado or other natural disasters. I believe that there is also some theft coverage.

Date: August 10, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I have never been to the companies web site. so i can not really rate the web site since I have never used the web site.

Date: August 08, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I generally do not need to communicate with my insurance company much, so that tends to make me more satisfied. Communication is very slow, though. The secure email slows things down, and it sort of forces me to call my local agent, which is also a slow process since that usually requires some phone tag.

Date: August 05, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

It was nearly impossible to get access to online features because my wife was originally the policyholder (she added my car and the house to her policy when we got married). They didn't seem to want to recognize me.

Date: August 04, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I think the premium is a pretty good price, but honestly, I did not do any comparisons before choosing this insurance company. I just went to this company because it is well known and there is a location close to me.

Date: August 01, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
Every time I need to contact my insurance company which is not often they have been very helpful and courteous.

Date: July 31, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I like to deal with the local office and the people I know on a first name basis. I don't like dealing with anyone outside of that office.

Date: July 28, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Policy Offerings
Typical homeowners insurance policies offer coverage for damage caused by fires, lightning strikes, windstorms and hail. Hurricane damage and flood damage.

Date: July 27, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I have experienced good customer service with this insurance company, whenever I happen to go in or call, they are always very understanding and kind to me.

Date: July 26, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I sometimes receive emails or postal mail from State Farm, always with useful information. I receive my insurance cards and policy information with any updates promptly.

Date: June 23, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

State Farm has a useful website, in that it allows me to do what I need, but it isn't entirely user-friendly. It is hard to navigate and hard to find the relevant sections and information.

Date: May 30, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

We selected State Farm because they were very competitive on price. I believe the next closest offer we received would have cost more than an addition $100 per year. Also, coming from California where we had to purchase separate hazard insurance, these amounts feel VERY reasonable.

Date: May 27, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Policy Offerings
The premium covers the home, and attached decks from flood, fire, and other natural damage.

Date: May 25, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

I have never compared the preimum to other companies. I just bought my house last year and I have my auto insurance through state farm and have never had any issues so i figured i would get my home insurance through them.

Date: May 07, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I like the customer service. I have never had any issues with any claims at all. Any time that I call or email I get a response right away .

Date: May 05, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I don't use the mobile app, unfortunately. I tend to either speak to them in person or sometimes go online.

Date: March 27, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I have never had to speak with someone in regards to this insurance aside from when I first set it up. The person was very kind though.

Date: March 14, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I think not only this website, but most insurance company websites are too complicated. Insurance is complicated enough I think they should make their website simple and easier to navigate.

Date: March 11, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
Every time I've had to call and talk to my agent, I've gotten excellent service. They are friendly, polite and answer my questions to my satisfaction.

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
My local representative and her staff provide superior customer service. Whether I visit the office of call with a question, they always have the solutions and answers that I have requested.

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I have nothing bad to say about the interaction/communication of my insurance company. They have been helpful when needed.

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
The company's customer service has been impeccable. They treat me like I am royalty because I have been with them for years.

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I am pleased with State Farm's website because it allows me to easily pay my bill, connect with my local representative and look into different options for changing my coverage and deductible amounts.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I think they could make my premium cheaper. It has gone up some since I took out the policy and I've had no claims.

GEICO Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 19, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I would rate my home insurance company as a 4, I haven't had any claims as of yet. However their customer service is 24/7 and anytime I have called they were always polite and respectful.

Date: September 07, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

When shopping around for homeowners insurance policies, GEICO had one of the most competitive packages and rates. We have a large home and the replacement value that they used was the best option for us.

Date: June 03, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
The dwelling, Electronics, Furniture, Medical for accidents that occur on our property, Fences, Sheds, and living if something were to happen to our dwelling

Date: September 20, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
The policy covers structural damage whether from weather or a pipe burst. It also covers the interior belongs such as jewelry, computers, tvs, furniture. It covers accidental injury to guests.

Date: September 13, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
The customer service for the policy is available 24 hours a day which is awesome. Customer service is knowledge and prompt with their service.

Date: September 10, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Communication with my insurance company is fine. I haven't really had to reach out to them much.

Date: September 08, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

The mobile apps allows me to review my policy for both home and auto, keep the insurance cards with me no matter where I go. I app is easy to use and navigate.

Date: September 04, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
Flood protection, fire damage, hurricane damage, full protection on the roof and other structures on the property. Full medical payments and loss of use coverage as well.

Date: August 15, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I have no complaints about the interactions that I have had with them. However they do get busy sometimes but nothing too bad as far as wait times to get a hold of a customer service agent.

Date: August 08, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I think the customer service is adequate I have never had to wait long to be connected with a customer service representative.

Date: August 07, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

This insurance company has offered us a very good premium compared to the other insurance companies we have looked at. The coverage is at a good rate and the premium is acceptable.

Date: July 30, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I looked around for a bit and compared to other companies Geico gave us the best deal on our insurance out of all the major companies. Could have gotten it a bit cheaper but preferred to stay with one of the bigger companies.

Date: July 28, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

The premium for my home policy is on target with the premium I had before I switched.

Date: June 27, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

I am proud to say I liked all of what I am seeing very much so I like all of it

Date: May 12, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

I think the website is very sleek and intuitive to use, no problem at all navigating around it or on the app either. They both have a good user interface and seem to be very easy to use.

Allstate Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 13, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
Allstate's customer service has been over all quite good. There was an agent's in the same building as a previous employer of mine, and that coupled with competitive rates caused me to start dealing with them.

Date: September 08, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
I am very satisfied with Allstate's offerings. You can bundle home and auto and save a lot of money. I would rate them a 5 for their offerings and the convenience of being able to have all your policies in one place

Date: September 08, 2019    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
I have not searched for any other providers. The insurance company was selected because the state I live in has very high auto premiums and the bundle of home and auto made a practical price point.

Date: October 01, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I have never had any issue or dissatisfaction with the company.

Date: September 18, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I really can't comment. I have not shopped it in a while. I imagine that it is competitive. I will shop it this year.

Date: September 15, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I don't care for their website because it's not too easy to use and I haven't ever used their mobile app.

Date: September 11, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

They are helpful in that they answer all of the questions asked but you are kind of intimidated

Date: August 22, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I love the interaction with them because it is very honest and they do not leave anything out for me.

Date: August 10, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
When a storm blew a tree down on my roof I contacted them at 9 pm and they helped me with what I had to do as the tree broke through my roof and did a lot of damage.

Date: July 29, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I really want to be able to go on and see my policy and when the payment dates are. I'm paying off my house soon and I want to make the payments myself. I like that I can pay on the website with a credit card.

Date: December 01, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

All state insurance has always been great at their prices compared to all other home insurance companies that are on the market

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I think we are paying slightly less for this coverage than what we have paid in the past. Sometimes it feels like a waste of money.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

The website and app are easy to use. I can look things up with it. Very easy to navigate on this app. I like it.

Farmer's Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 14, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

The premiums are pretty affordable. Most companies have an overly expensive premium for everything, and the rates are way to high for it. The premiums here are affordable and resonable even with the rates.

Date: October 09, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I am and have been very satisfied with my insurance company. I have been with them for almost twenty years and am not apt to change. I rate them a 5.

Date: October 08, 2019    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
Customer service is excellent. Always if the representative is a licensed insurance person he or she will make sure to connect me to one who is authorized to make insurance changes that that person is not authorized to do.

Date: October 02, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Same as above: I have not needed to call into customer service yet other than the initial sign up. Overall, my experience is OK.

Date: September 10, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I do not have a problem with the premium because any other insurance company I have used has never saved me any money for the exact same coverage.

Date: August 07, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married


Date: August 06, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

The website makes it simple and easy to start the claims process, pay my bill electronically, look at changes in the price of overages, and get information about local offices and agents. I have yet to make a claim but would be confident in doing so on the site.

Date: August 05, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

It's a bit clunky. Takes awhile for me to navigate and locate my policy information as well as my payment center.

Date: July 30, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
I have rental insurance that covers liability up to $100,000. This includes the general things that must rental insurance includes. I'm not 100% sure, it was requested by my property manager.

Date: December 30, 2017    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I have not needed to call into customer service yet other than the initial sign up. Overall, my experience is OK.

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

It is about the same as other insurance companies. Rental insurance is not exactly a huge expense so I do not bother shopping around.

Safeco Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 05, 2019    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I'm pretty well satisfied with my insurance company's customer service.great company. they are very reliable and very low prices.

Date: October 02, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Policy Offerings
Everything including contents, back up of the sewer. Except earthquake is a separate policy.

Date: September 20, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I was in OK and paying 3 times the amount I do now. Also, they have not substantially raised prices over 3 years.

Date: September 13, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I go through an agent that recently hired his son to run personal lines and that was a mistake.

Date: August 12, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I do not like to get disturbed with calls about this type of thing and they do not bother me with questions or wanting to meet about more coverage.

Date: August 09, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I really haven't had much interaction with them but they seem really nice. They send birthday notes and make sure we are happy with service with periodic calls....

Date: August 03, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I like them because they are A rated and leave me alone most of the time. I buy through an agent and do my business with them if I have questions. The cost is low for the coverage I have (especially compared to OK, where I was for 23 yrs).

Date: July 30, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Everyone wants low premiums and higher coverage but compared to my old insurance, this is a deal!

Date: May 28, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

the son dislikes doing requotes and dislikes returning phone calls. I have to specifically ask for his mother!!!!

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
Home, structure, and other dwellings are covered by insurance as well as medical.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

I really like the ease of navigation. Easy to use and pretty intuitive. I like the layout and how it is conforming to standard uses.

Amica Mutual Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

Date: September 13, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I do not know if they have an app so to review it is difficult. It would be great if they did though.

Date: August 09, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I have never used their website or app. I conduct business over the phone instead. I may have to track down an app.

Date: August 01, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
We have never had to make a claim or call for anything other than setting the insurance up and a home visit. They were kind, efficient, knowledgeable,and quick.

Date: July 29, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I can’t reach the customer service 6 out of 10 times I call.

Date: June 18, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

They are included on our mortgage so I get updates on our statement monthly.

Date: May 28, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I have been happy with my contact with them, although we have not had any claims recently. Both telephone and mail interactions have been more than sufficient.

Date: May 15, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

We priced multiple companies and Amica offered the best rates & reviews and the best coverage for our price point.

Date: November 19, 2017    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I think I could get better rates from a company with a more local presence. However, I stay with them for ease of use and because we've been with them so long.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
Customer service has been extremely helpful and personable whenever I've needed to talk to them on the phone. I could not be more pleased.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
Fire, flood, storm, break-in, furniture, electronics, jewelry, cars, clothing, personal injuries, flood, appliances, windows

Farm Bureau Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 19, 2019    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

The premium and deductibles are a little lower than most of the competitors in the market but they are not the bottom price for amount of coverage.

Date: October 04, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
We love our insurance company. I have always had a great experience with them. The people who I deal with are nice and friendly. They really try their best to help. They are patient and they take time answering questions.

Date: September 16, 2019    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
They offer good discounts for combining our auto insurance with our car insurance which saves us money and we appreciate any savings we can get on insurance.

Date: September 11, 2019    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I have not yet had to make any claims. I just purchased this house a year ago, but getting the insurance set up was really easy. The guy I worked with at the office was super helpful.

Date: September 01, 2019    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Female

I have not shopped home insurance premiums for my area for several years, but this one has gone down since I started this policy. I imagine that there might be lower home insurance premiums out there, but that would probably require me to switch my auto insurance as well, which I don't want to do.

Date: August 07, 2019    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Female

I have not shopped home insurance premiums for my area for several years, but this one has gone down since I started this policy. I imagine that there might be lower home insurance premiums out there, but that would probably require me to switch my auto insurance as well, which I don't want to do.

Date: October 04, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

For the coverage that i get, i feel as if the cost is good. I also have other structures on the property that are covered.

Date: October 02, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
The customer service is the best feature they have. They have local offices all over where you can go and sit and talk to them about any issues you may have. They seem pushy when they want to look at policies and so forth, but I love the fact when there is an issue I can run right into the office and talk to someone on the spot.

Date: September 20, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

While I am unable to make any changes to my policy via the website, I can get answers to many questions I may have, and find info on contacting my agent if I have additional questions, or need to make changes.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Again, not a lot of times have I had to call or communicate, but when I have, I never had any trouble.

Donegal Mutual Insurance Company Home Insurance Reviews

Date: October 02, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I feel that the premium is average with other insurance companies around. Like I mentioned earlier, I do combine to get a discount and I found that overall, I got the best deal for the coverage I wanted with this company compared to others.

Date: August 17, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Customer Service
I have had decent interactions with customer service with this company. I have only had one instance where it was less than ideal and I believe it was the receptionist and not the actual agents fault. Since the instance, I have not had the receptionist answer phone anymore so I believe they replaces her.

Date: July 26, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

The app that the company has is very basic which is fine but it is difficult to change anything or get ahold of somebody at times. Overall it does its job because a lot of times you have to speak to somebody in person to make changes on things like home insurance.

Date: July 24, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Policy Offerings
I am covered for a decent portion of my belongings in the home as well as 2 outbuildings I have. I am covered for liability if somebody was to get hurt on my property as well as I have flood insurance as well. I combine my insurance with my auto to save a percentage on both my home and auto.

Date: March 13, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Unmarried

Overall I am satisfied with the interaction and communication with insurance company. It is one of those things that you do not have to contact them on a daily basis and when I need to contact them, they get back to me relatively quickly and get what I needed done,

MetLife Home Insurance Reviews

Date: May 10, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

Policy Offerings
Dwelling contents sewer backup sinkhole failure storm damage theft personal injury loss of use rebuilt to current code alarm discount

Date: January 21, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I changed to my current company because of an extreme increase over the course of 3 years with my former company. The current rate is about half the amount charged by the former company and the coverage is actually higher than before. I am very pleased with the rate.

Date: January 13, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
My agent is available almost instantly through cell or email or calls his office. I have had no trouble with any customer service during my time with this company.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Metlife's website is very easier to move through. I can easily access my documents and proof of insurance for the mortgage company or any other entity that needs it. Also, I can review the policy and any changes each year as it renews.

Date: November 18, 2017    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Metlife communicates through email and also postal mail. I receive both when any policy changes or updated occur and again when my policies renew. I feel like they do a great job of keeping me informed of relevant information so that I can reach out to them if I have any issues with the changes.

Liberty Mutual Home Insurance Reviews

Date: September 10, 2019    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I know that the rate we get is very competitive. It beats the best rate I ever received back when I was living on my own, which was through Lemonade.

Date: September 20, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

There isn't much interaction. They send me a bill. I send them a payment. That's mostly all the communication that there is.

Date: July 31, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

The website is very easy to use. I think that is very important. It is easy to navigate, and loads quickly. I haven't tried the app if there is one.

Date: July 30, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I have only had to call twice. Both calls were answered quickly, and they resolved my problems very quickly and professionally.

Date: June 01, 2018    Age: 40 to 49    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I called and got quotes from seven other companies. Liberty Mutual offered the most coverage for the best price. I am very happy with it.

Safe Point Home Insurance Reviews

Date: September 17, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

I have never used or seen the website to my homeowner's insurance company. It was not something that was offered or showed to me when buying the home.

Date: September 04, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I am happy with the price, it kept me under the max amount I wanted to pay a month. Very handy.

Date: August 09, 2018    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

They are quick to answer questions and are polite on the phone and were very polite and kind when they came once in person.

Date: August 02, 2018    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I have only called once and they were quick to answer questions and were very helpful and knowledgeable.

Progressive Home Insurance Reviews

Date: September 16, 2019    Age: Above 60    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

I am very comfortable with my premium and deductible policy for my homeowner's insurance.I opted for a higher deductible to keep my premium lower but I am very satisfied with the terms of my policy.

Date: September 22, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

It has been good so far. They answer all my questions quickly and easily.

Date: September 02, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

I only get as much contact as I want. They do not bombard me with constant offers. I get my yearly policy, and little else, which is fine by me.

Nationwide Home Insurance Reviews

Date: September 25, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Unmarried

While I love the customer service, I have found the communication to be lacking a little. Because we do escrow our payments, I feel like we don't get as much information about our premiums as we would if we paid in cash up front. Normally, I pay for the year and then it has to get fixed every year either by them sending me a check or me sending them one.

Date: September 01, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
My Agent for the last 3 years was excellent. When he retired I have been transferred to another agency and I am somewhat disappointed in their customer service

Travelers Home Insurance Reviews

Date: August 17, 2019    Age: 50 to 59    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

When i changed to State Farm they were able to beat what I was paying by $300 a year. Plus I had better coverage.

Date: May 25, 2018    Age: 30 to 39    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

It's an okay app I don't use it that often. It has a decent layout and does what I want of it.

Horace Mann Educators Corporation Home Insurance Reviews

Date: August 21, 2018    Age: 20 to 29    Gender: Female    Marital Status: Married

Customer Service
I love the company's customer service, they are very prompt in responding to customers request and very efficient, they surely do their job well.